Happy Father's Day!

I called my dad early this morning and wished him a Happy day! My dad is Richard Joseph Gonzales, he has been a wonderful dad and friend. I admire his courage and the many risk he has taken in his life. I have always been very close to him and I consider myself a daddy's girl! I am so thankful for my dad today and I honor him. If you know any thing about my dad one thing for sure you know is that he is a man's man with a very tender heart. Yes, my dad cries for almost everything. I'm not ashamed to admit that because I think its wonderful to have a dad with so much tenderness. My dad lost his dad at a very young age. He vowed to us that he would be the best dad we could ever have. Yes, dad you are the BEST! Better than all the rest! I remember moving here to San Diego, just dad and I came first and settled in and then mom came afterwards. We both got a job at Wal-Mart and all the coworkers loved dad. He always puts smiles on faces and was a joy to work with. He didn't stay there very long because he went to work for Jack Birch. Dad has always been a great example to me of what a hard worker is and what a hard worker looks like. He would work during the day and at times when the need arised, he would go to the church and help build what ever needed to be built or worked on. Sometimes staying there until the wee hours of the morning. He has always loved working for the Lord and never complained. He would tell us, "I do it unto the Lord!" At times we thought he was like the energizer bunny! LOL! He is a cement mason by trade and also a Pastor. One of the best Pastors I've ever had! He genuinely loves people and cares about their well being! I recall one very fond memory of my dad that I will share with you today. I remember him going on a forty day fast while working a full-time job building a prison in the Inland Empire. Right before he broke his fast he called all his children and brother Isias into his room to speak words of wisdom and to pray for us. It was powerful and I will never ever forget what he told all of us. The presence of the Lord was so rich. He inspired us to be all that we could be in the Lord. Dad has always been consistent and has showed us Christian character! He tells us always to pray for those who hurt you and speak all manner of evil against you. God loves them and He is in control! Thank you dad for being the wonderful man you are. I am privileged to have a dad like you! I will always be your girl! I love you and want to thank you for all encouragement. Thank you for believing in Ezra and I. God is doing wonderful things! "Success in Disguise!" Happy Father's Day!


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