Dress Up!

Playing dress up was just for the girls, wasn't it? Wrong! My three boys love to dress up in costumes and "fly" around the house and jump off couches and make some very strange noises. I enjoy watching and making sure no bones get broken. When their all dressed up in their favorite costumes I grab the camera and start snapping away. Ezra thinks I'm crazy because every time he turns around I have my camera and I start giving orders to hold still for just a second! A second is like a minute for three squirmy boys he mentions and I say, pictures are for wonderful memories and you will be thanking me later. Being a mother of boys is so much fun, and very challenging at times and sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to have a precious little girl. My heart aches if I think about it for to long because momma closed the factory after the twins were delivered. Now if I was guaranteed a girl I wouldn't of closed the factory but since there in no guarantee, I went ahead and had it done. Since both the boys were breached, I had to have a C-section. I should of asked them since they had me open if they could leave half of my stomach out and give me a tummy tuck while they were at it! Just kidding, I think! LOL! So I guess I will never have the pleasure of having a beautiful baby girl. Unless I adopt! To think I had two chances of at least one of them being a girl and then I get the news that the twins are identical. I asked the doctor if she was for sure they were identical and she said, yes definitely! She finally asked me why I kept inquiring and I told her because I wanted at least one of them to be a girl. Not a fat chance! Bummer! Well at least I get to enjoy dress up time with the boys for now and I enjoy every minute of it! So if anyone was wondering if I'm missing out on dress up time. The answer is no, because boys do it too! They just choose different outfits! Thank the Lord for that! Whew!


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