We made it back safe and sound
Well so much for another wonderful week with my honey! The kids needed their mom and wanted to come home so I left after our service on Sunday to pick them up. Although, I must admit I'm so thankful Ezra and I got a whole week all to ourselves! It was nice and much needed. We had a fabulous 4Th of July and got spontaneous and went to a water park the next day. He even took me to one of my favorite restaurants in San Diego for dinner. We truly had a blast! Ezra rode the trolley for the first and probably last time. We got off on the wrong train and ended up in the ghetto. Ezra was praying he wouldn't get mugged. The trolley ride back home in the evening was definitely a culture shock for both of us. It was very sad to see so many young teenagers and adults so lost and and as crude and in your face as you could imagine. I probably could do a documentary on the trolley experience and hey maybe one day I will. My heart was beating pretty fast and I clutched my purse tightly the whole ride. Believe me it was crazy! So if anyone is wondering why we rode the trolley in the first place was because we were trying to save gas and not wanting to hassle with the traffic on the 4Th. Again, I think next time will by pass the trolley and just take the car.
I did it hit in run like I normally do when I drop off the kids or pick them up. I got to Sanger in the evening visited with my favorite people and woke up early and headed back home. While I was gathering up the last of our belongings, Judah thought I left and through a fit! He was not very happy and had the biggest crocodile tears. Joshua on the other hand was asking me if he could have one more week with his cousins and Josiah kept telling everyone bye that he was going home now to San Diego. I'm happy to have them all home again and so is daddy! Next week we head out to Washington/Oregon to visit with Ezra's family and also to celebrate our 10TH Anniversary! I'm so looking forward to it!