Vacation in Washington and Oregon
Well, we made it back safe and sound. We were in Vancouver, Portland, Aurora, Seaside, and Canon Beach. Whew, what a busy schedule we had. It was well worth it though. Oregon is beautiful in the summer and they have such beautiful breath taking sunsets. On the plane ride over to Oregon the twins had a blast and even got captain wings. Way cool! Josh was nervous, which surprised me because he has flown several times. I held his hand and he seemed at ease for awhile.
We arrived in Portland and spent the majority of our time at Ezra's parents new home. Josie, Ezra's mom should of been a interior designer, her home is like a museum. They have a pond with a water fountain in the front yard. All the boys enjoyed playing near it, especially the twins. Josie has fake ducks and they all enjoyed throwing them in the pond. Judah got so excited he jumped in with all his clothes and shoes in order to get the ducks! Yes, we had a wonderful time with Ezra's family. Ezra's parents and sister paid for us to go on the Portland Spirit for our 10Th Anniversary. Unfortunately, with Ezra's bad driving skills we took two wrong freeways and well you guessed it, we missed our dinner cruise. Shucks! We were bummed but made the best of it and had a romantic dinner at restaurant facing the bay. We exchanged cards and got each other the exact same card. Talk about a connection. That was not planned, I promise. Anyway, we were able to reschedule our dinner cruise and made sure Ezra's sister Cassandra drove so we wouldn't miss it again. The food was yummy and the company was wonderful.
We went and visited all of Ezra's grandparents and some of his dear cousins. Ezra's grandparents are all still alive. Grandpa Aune turns 94 on July 31st. He is sharp and aware of his surroundings. Not bad for an old man. When he saw the twins he said, "Oh identical twins!" That was like Wow! Then we went and saw the Davis grandparents and took some great pictures and chatted a while. We were non stop but enjoyed every minute of it!
Josh stayed for another week and half and is having a blast with his cousins Zach and Grant! They are enjoying each other company and signed up for a day camp. Josh told me he went on a canoe and said, "it was a lot of fun." I miss him and can't wait to see him next week. Then we are off again this time to Mississippi!
Yes we definitely had a BLAST! Twins are full of energy but lots of fun to be around. Can't wait to be with mom and dad in a few weeks.
Love, Vonnie girl
OK I am totally shocked! I'm glad you enjoy reading about the familia. Its a good way to stay connected. I will have to post the picture of the black eye Jojo gave to Judah. OUCH! Anywar, thanks for your comment!
Love you very much and hope to get together with you sometime this year! JK! :)
Just wanted to stop by and say Hi!
You'll have to check out my crazy blog as well... ha ha ha...
take care,
Catherine Bingley
OMG! Wow! It is so good to "hear" from you! Thanks for commenting on my blog! I will check your blog out! Also, please give my email address to Eileen.
Chat with you later,
Yvonne :)
Love all of you
Thank you for your kind words!
Love you and your family too!