Kids out of town!
Time flies when you are having fun! My parents took the boys back with them to Sanger. Believe it or not I'm having withdraws. I miss them tons! And it probably doesn't help because all 3 of them got fevers. IEEEEEEEEEEE! Although I know they are in good hands it pains me to know they are so far away and feeling yucky. My moms says, not to worry they got all under control. Plus, the twins having been sleeping with mom and dad because Jojo says everything is SCARY and he needs to sleep with them. I think they'll come back spoiled and have to get adjusted to sleeping in their beds again.
So since the boys are away Ezra and I having been dating all over again. We started celebrating our 10Th Anniversary earlier. We have gone to the San Diego Fair, Balboa park, Seaport and the spa. It has been nice getting to spend time with him without any interruptions! But it is so stinking quiet. Tomorrow is the 4Th of July and we're planning on taking the trolley downtown since parking every where will be horrible. At Seaport they will be having a firework spectacular and we look forward to seeing it. I'm sure it will be nice. The nicest part about it though is spending it with my sweetheart. I love you Ezra! You make my heart smile. One more week with you all by myself! YAHOO!