Happy Father's Day!
I called my dad early this morning and wished him a Happy day! My dad is Richard Joseph Gonzales, he has been a wonderful dad and friend. I admire his courage and the many risk he has taken in his life. I have always been very close to him and I consider myself a daddy's girl! I am so thankful for my dad today and I honor him. If you know any thing about my dad one thing for sure you know is that he is a man's man with a very tender heart. Yes, my dad cries for almost everything. I'm not ashamed to admit that because I think its wonderful to have a dad with so much tenderness. My dad lost his dad at a very young age. He vowed to us that he would be the best dad we could ever have. Yes, dad you are the BEST! Better than all the rest! I remember moving here to San Diego, just dad and I came first and settled in and then mom came afterwards. We both got a job at Wal-Mart and all the coworkers loved dad. He always puts smiles on faces and was a joy to work with. He didn't s