Happy Birthday Phillip!
Old picture of us- Need a new one! 

Wow! I can't believe it! Your 35 years old now. Where did the time go? Phillip is one of my older brothers and the nicest one I have. Not that Michael and Richie aren't nice but Phillip is nicer. Is that even a word? Phillip and I have always been very close and I've enjoyed growing up with him. We are only 13 months apart so we always were around each other in school, sports and everything else. He has always been competitive and was my biggest fan when I ran track and field. He loved to play sports and was very good at any sport he tried. I always wanted to beat in a sport and the only thing I could beat him at was swimming. But believe me it was a lot of work but definitely worth the win. We had many fun times walking home from school together and it seemed to take us forever because we both had big imaginations and would stop along the way to check out our surroundings. Things seemed to be so different back then. I never was scared because I had Phillip to protect me. I wonder if mom ever worried because we stopped at every tree and would try to figure out if what was growing on it was edible. I have very fond memories of our childhood together and man that just seems like yesterday. We both still love food, the only problem is back then we were thin and now well........we have to work hard to keep it off. LOL! Phillip has a big heart and is always thinking about you and is genuinely concerned if you're not HAPPY! He lived here in San Diego, but moved a couple of years ago back home we were born and raised. He seems to adjusted to the move just fine, but I miss him very much! Right before he moved back to Sanger he rented a unit in the same complex as us. So we got to see him often. Those were good times!
Phillip, so today I want to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm so thankful for you and love you very much! Thanks for being a great man and someone I enjoy talking to very much. You made my childhood fun and full of great memories that I often think about. We had a BLAST, didn't we! You're one awesome brother, don't ever change and always keep that tender heart of yours and don't let become hard by the cares of this life. I pray the Lord gives you the desires of your heart. Keep on keeping on! It will be worth it all! Oh, yeah and hurry up and get married! JK! I love you!
Be Blessed,
Anna E.