Third grade!

Josh received this in the mail today from his third grade teacher, Mrs.Sachariason! She wrote a personalized note to him on the back of the post card. He lit up as he read the note. He said, that is so nice of her. I was touched by her thoughtfulness. He was very excited to have her as his teacher and he said, she is very pretty. Uh, oh could this be his first crush! We prayed that Josh would get a good teacher and we believe he did. Josh has been going to Vally Vista since Kindergarten and we really like the school. Yes, there has been a few hiccups but we've worked through them. One of his teacher's that he had in the past was wonderful. She was his first grade teacher and is a Christian and every time she would talk to him she would tell him what stories she was reading in the Bible. We really like Mrs. Brown and every time we see her she is warm and goes out of her way to talk with us about the Bible. I volunteer as much as possible and like to get involved with activities that happen during the school year. I believe Josh is going to have a GREAT year! Josh is a good boy and so far he has been easy to raise. He can be goofy sometimes but for the most part he is very quiet and keeps to himself. Doesn't require to much attention but we give it to him as much as possible since he has two demanding attention seeking twin brothers. He is a good big brother and the twins adore him. Josh is a smart boy and he receives good grades. We got his CAT scores right before he started the school year and he was above average in his Math and Reading. Josh has been reading since he was 3 years old. My little brainiac! I am proud of him and yes I love to brag about him. He gives me great joy and is always willing to help around the house. I love him and so thankful that he is my son! I love you Joshie! (he likes to read my blog) My number one fan!