Sunny San Diego!
Polynesian Dancers at Seaport Village
Art Walk -Jojo and Judah banging on drums.

One of our favorite places to venture out to is Seaport Village. I would say we go at least once a week. We get to eat the good food and get free parking. The boys love the park area and we spend a couple of hours watching them climb and play in the grass. There is always something to see and tons of activities going on. This past Saturday the Art Walk exhibits were at Seaport. They had live music and tons of art. Since Ezra and I enjoy looking at art, we went by every exhibit. Neither one of us are Artist but admire the oil paintings done by the Artist. We have more oil paintings than we know what to do with. We didn't purchase any that day because all our wall space is filled up with our favorite paintings and we don't have space for anymore. Plus, the paintings were pricey.
Ezra's grandma took up art for years as a hobby and she did very well. Everyone one of the Aune's has her artwork in their home. I love the ones we have and think she should of sold some of her art because I'm sure people would have purchased them. Grandma Aune no longer does art as a hobby because she now resides in a nursing home and just recently fell over her walker. We weren't sure if she would make it out of this one, but again she pulled through it. The past couple of years she has broken a hip and collarbone and has recovered every time. She is very frail and when we saw her in July I noticed how slow she moved around. She needed the support of her walker every where she went. Please pray for her salvation! We love her dearly and enjoy the framed art work of hers that we have in our home.
There was a section for the children to do crafts and bang on some drums. No money was charged for the children to explore the artistic side. The crafts and paintings that the children enjoyed doing were free and supplied by the Artist. I think that was done intentionally so the parents could spend some moolla! (money). As we strolled along we came across some Polynesian dancers from the Island of Hawaii. At the end of their performance they gave leis to some of the audience. I was chosen to receive one and got to walk around with a lei during our time at Seaport. I felt very special. Maybe one of these days Ezra and I will take a trip to Hawaii. I've never been there and would love to go. Ezra has been there more times than he can count on his hands. He was in the Navy for years and that is one of the ports they would pull into. We received two free airline tickets maybe we'll use them to travel there!
Oooooh Hawaii... yeah I wanna go too! Hey, maybe I can be yours and Ezra's stow-a-way (o: hee hee hee...
love ya girly,