Joshua's baptism and Holy Ghost report!

Well what a wonderful time we had at Apostolic Conference. Words cannot express the gratitude that I have for Pastor Jerry Dillon family and Parkway Pentecostal Church family. The conference was AMAZING and very timely. I will right more about the conference and our experiences later.
Joshua received the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues! He told Ezra and I, he thought he spoke in two different languages. He told us how tears ran down his face and how he said in his mind that today was the day he would receive it. Nineteen children received the Holy Ghost at the conference. Everyday while we were in the main sanctuary the missionary children had children's church under the direction of Rev. Oliver and family! What a blessing it is to be involved in children ministries. Joshua said, his heart was clean and would like to get baptized in Jesus name when we got home.
So we arrived at the airport on Sunday at 1:00p.m. and came home got cleaned up and went to New Life Center where Josh would be baptized at our good friends church, Rev. Andrew and Shawnna Buxton. To our pleasant surprise Josh wouldn't be the only one getting baptized but Cole Buxton too! Andrew preached an awesome message about the body of Christ and a first time visitor received the Holy Ghost. It was so beautiful to see tears roll down his face and him shake under the power of the Holy Ghost. It was awesome!!! Many other people were touched in the altar and I believe the Lord heard their cry! Joshua got baptized first and came out of the water speaking in tongues again and then Cole after him. Please pray that the Lord uses Josh in a mighty way. Pray that the Light that now dwells in him would draw many people to the cross. My heart is filled with gladness and I rejoice today!
on a side note... Eileen and I will be down in San Diego on Saturday for a wedding reception... if you are in the area, we should see about at least getting together for a cup of coffee (o:
here's my email:
Yes, WOW! Josh is a wonderful boy and we love raising him. He is very precious and we are so happy for him!
I would love to see you and Eileen. Lets definitely get together!