Apostolic Conference! Wow!
Ezra & Bro. Ronald Rice
What a time we had at Apostolic Conference. The speakers were anointed and inspiring. Being in home missions can be discouraging at times, and rewarding at other times. We have seen several people walk through the door of Upper Room and lives have been transformed. We have seen people moved and shaken by the power of the Holy Ghost and at other times we have dealt with situations that were nightmares. Miracles have happened as well as tragedies. I didn't know what to expect when we opened the doors but the Lord has always been there for me and assured me that he has my back, if I should ever slip and stumble. He is always there with open arms to comfort me and give me Peace when the storm is raging.
So the conference was refreshing and timing couldn't have been better. God knew exactly what needed to be said and what he was planning on doing. The first night of the conference Bro. Kinsey preached and it was powerful and faith building. The hunger in the sanctuary was so rich and it was beautiful to watch as the missionaries poured into the altar and began to seek God with all their hearts. I linked arms with Ezra and my dad and began to seek and reach and then...a man of God came and began to speak tongues so powerful and with authority and then thus saith the Lord came! Wow! Thank you for the prophecy and for the man of God that was sensitive enough to speak God's words into us! Let me tell you it was POWERFUL! Just when you thought it couldn't get better it did. Bro. Shatwell taught so rich and it stirred you to your core and then Bro. Wright after him and Bro. Morgan after him and just when I thought it couldn't get any better... Bro. Mangun preached in the evening on prayer. What a AWESOME, moving, life changing message! Bro. Billy Cole showed up the next day and shared his experiences and inspired us to take risk and trust God! Bro. Willouhby preached the evening service and more inspiration and faith came forth. The altar call was like none other. The power of God fell and people began to fall out and roll and it was like old time Pentecost all over again. Yes, the services were one of the best if not the best I have ever been in! Get that many hungry people in one room and God has to move and He did! The Parkway church and the Dillon family are top notch. They are truly blessed and I look forward to hearing the reports of what the Lord is doing in Madison because of their sacrifice and passion for Home Missions. Another bonus of the conference is we got to see wonderful friends that we met last year and stayed in contact with throughout the year. Some of them have become some of our very dear friends and we cherish their friendship and fellowship! Yes, I really believe it was a conference like no other and I'm blessed to have been a participant this year. Looking forward to next year should the Lord tarry!
I really admire your hard work and dedication to ministry... I can't wait to see the harvest of your labors! (cause I know they are coming!!!)
love ya,
You're so sweet! I look forward to the Harvest! And yes it was truly AWESOME!