Yummy Chili Verde!
Judah riding horse
Wow! We got to eat my favorite meal that my mom cooked for us again! Plus, we got to see Shawnna and Andrew too. The food was delicious and the fellowship was great. We laughed and laughed and shared some good old time stories. The kids enjoyed playing in the tree house and eating the delicious cherries after dinner. Everyone had a wonderful time. Mom, thanks for the food and Shawnna thanks for opening up your home to all of us! We need to do it more often. But knowing our schedules it will be months until we see each other again. ARGH!!!
Yesterday we took the kiddos golfing at fun for all. The played a round of golf and played some video games afterwards. Joshua and the twins have really enjoyed having their cousins around. Dad came last night to pick up mom to take her back home and they decided to take all three boys back with them. My other brothers and sisters want to see the boys. I am so HAPPY! YAHOO! We get a break for the next couple of weeks. I believe their leaving on Friday because tomorrow we'll be heading up to the fair again. The kids get to ride unlimited rides on Wednesdays and Thursdays when you purchase a wrist band. I'm sure they'll have a blast! I really like going to the fair. I enjoy looking at all the exhibits and tasting some good food.
My mom has been here for about two weeks now and the time seemed like it flew by. I really enjoyed her company and it was wonderful having her in service with us. She is my friend and I love her dearly. We can agree to disagree and still love each other. She is an awesome lady and a great example to look up too! Thanks for coming and staying with us and spoiling us with you delicious cooking. Come back soon! Love you more than words can ever express! My precious mom, Flora Stella Gonzales. You're BEAUTIFUL! Inside and out!